I’m going to get straight to the point today with you — we all know by now I’m not about the fluff (and if you’re new here, welcome! We typically dive right on in when it comes to educational content).
Podcasting is obviously a booming industry, and new shows are popping up all the time. And I bet when you’re listening to a show, you think to yourself, ‘I could totally do that! And maybe even better!’ (No, you’re not selfish for thinking that, honestly — you’re probably right with some of the low quality shows out there).
But then, when it actually comes time to create the skeleton of the show, or take the next action steps, does your mind come up with a million reasons why this WON’T WORK? Or that your words aren’t impactful enough for someone to actually listen to?
A lot of people will tell you that’s imposter syndrome – and I’m sure they’re right to some extent — but I do think it comes to down to a deeper level here (and a less buzzy-type word):
And this is what people in the industry aren’t talking about when it comes to show creation.
There are A LOT of decisions that need to be made along the podcast creation process. Decisions that require you to trust yourself – and KNOW yourself – along the way. Because there are aspects of podcasting that you’ll be extending your personality into, that you probably haven’t thought about before.
Things like:
How does my personality sound in music form (for your evergreen intro)?
How do I want to show up in long form content?
Am I entertaining enough to listen to for 45-minutes?
Creating a podcast is more of a personal development journey than I believe most people are talking about.
You’re extending your brand onto a new platform — and that’s hard. You’re learning a new way to engage your audience, a new skillset, and it’s your VOICE that is the vehicle here. It’s more vulnerable than writing a blog post or an Instagram caption because it’s a true extension of YOU.
So I want to offer a few things here to help increase your self trust and your confidence in your decision making, because I do believe that you have what it takes — you just have to remind yourself sometimes.
And this is the part of the industry that I think more people should be speaking about. The tangibles of equipment and uploading to your hosting platform — that’s the easy part (which I do teach on, so don’t worry, we can’t just simply overlook it). But it takes a long time to sound like yourself. And while that seems counterintuitive, you don’t just wake up one day and have the skillset to host a great podcast. It takes time, it takes dedication to knowing yourself, and it takes consistency to trust yourself.
You are more than capable of all those things. And the process is FUN when you’re able to look at it from this perspective. But give yourself grace along the way. Because podcasting is more of a personal development journey than you think. But it’s SO WORTH IT on the other side.
Want to learn more about your perfect podcast equipment set up? Click HERE to continue through this three part series.
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